When you run a small business, you’re going to need insurance to protect you from lawsuits and accidents. This isn’t much different from how you have insurance for various things in your personal life, but you need to have the right kinds of insurance. Here’s what kind of insurance provider you need.
Auto Insurance
If you drive your car, truck, or other vehicle while doing business, you’re going to need commercial auto insurance.…
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If you research ways to cut your auto insurance costs, you will likely find a lot of excellent tips you can follow. Following these tips may result in lower premiums, and one tip you could use is driving less. Driving less can help you cut your auto insurance costs, and here are a few things to know about this option.
The Effects of How Much You Drive
Did you know that auto insurance companies base rates on the risk level of drivers?…
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Individuals that are interested in starting a business will often find themselves solely focused on the tasks directly related to running and growing the enterprise. However, this can lead to the entrepreneur failing to take the necessary steps for protecting the business against unforeseen risks and hazards.
Protect The Enterprise From The Threat Of Lawsuits
A lawsuit can be a serious threat to small and large businesses. In addition to the costs of defending the company against the lawsuit, the fines and damage payments that can result from these lawsuits can severely handicap a business.…
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