Can You Insure It? Yes, You Can!

Worker's Compensation Premiums: What Affects Your Rates

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As a business owner, worker’s compensation insurance is essential. Not only are most companies required to have it, but it’s an essential investment to protect against financial losses if an employee is injured. If you’re in the market for worker’s compensation insurance for your business, you need to understand what affects the rates that you’ll pay. Here’s a look at some contributing factors to your company’s worker’s compensation policy. What State Is Your Business In?…

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Why Auto Liability Insurance Is Not Enough

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Buying liability insurance is required by law and the failure to maintain insurance can have devastating legal consequences. However, while you can meet the bare minimum required for auto insurance coverage, it’s important to purchase more insurance so you will have peace of mind. Don’t Purchase Too Little Insurance You can save money by purchasing less insurance, but this might backfire. A car accident can be very expensive, and your coverage will only pay for the damages you are liable for up to the policy limit.…

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2 Important Reasons to Buy Renters Insurance

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Even if you’re just renting your home or apartment, you still need insurance. Your landlord has insurance on the property too, but it doesn’t cover your belongings or injuries to your guests. Here’s a look at why having these two types of coverage is so important and why you need renters insurance. 1. Renters Insurance Protects You Against Injury Claims Since you live in your rented house or apartment, you’re responsible for keeping it safe.…

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