Can You Insure It? Yes, You Can!

3 Questions You Should Ask Your Homeowners Insurance Agency

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When you have a home, you can go to bed every night knowing you have legal rights to your property. While this is incredibly powerful, it can also be nerve-wracking, especially considering the fact that it is possible to endure some very real challenges in regard to your property. Here are three fast and easy questions you should ask your homeowners insurance agency and why.  1. Is There Currently Enough Coverage On The Home?…

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Tips For Making A Personal Property Claim After A House Fire

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If you have a house fire that causes a lot of damage to your home, you’ll need to make a personal property claim to recover from your losses. A good home insurance policy is going to give you two options: to replace the item with no out-of-pocket cost or to take a depreciated cash value of the item if you do not replace it. Here are some tips for making your personal property claim after a house fire.…

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Tips for Protecting a Sports Camp From Risk

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Sports camps come with several inherent risks, and it’s impossible to avoid all of the potential perils that these camps face. There are ways, however, to reduce the risks that a sports camp faces. Use these tips, and you’ll keep your sports camp better protected from loss and liability. Create a Legal Business Structure for the Camp First, make sure your business is set up as a legal business structure. You’ll probably want to make the camp a limited liability corporation or limited liability partnership, but S-corporation and C-corporation structures are also possible.…

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